St James Lutheran Church is a community of sisters and brothers in Christ – saints! – gathered for praise, prayer, and mutual encouragement around the Word of God and the sacraments. We are a member and active participant in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), here to share God’s love and grace with the world.
We call our 5 PM Saturday service "Modern Worship in Ancient Form." There are moments that feel quite modern, and there are some very obvious connections with our Lutheran tradition.
We begin our time by centering in Holy Scripture through readings, reflection, and conversation. At a certain point in the evening we bless the elements for Holy Communion and move through the room to our three stations we call "Prayers of Devotion" - which includes Holy Communion, Contemplation at our Prayer Wall, and Contributions to the Cause.
All of this is one big invitation to you to worship and commune with God and with us. Come enjoy the connection.
Here’s what to expect on a Sunday morning at St James. Please come as you are. As you enter, you may wish to share in some coffee and simple treats. Our service starts at 9 AM and includes sharing God’s word through Bible readings, a children’s message, sermon, and Holy Communion. All are welcome at the Lord’s table. Our services are kid friendly. We have activity bags and a child-sized table with toys to welcome our young worshippers. We have handicap parking and handicap/all gender accessible restrooms.
Come experience God’s love and grace with us. We look forward to seeing you soon.
For a deeper understanding of what it means to belong to an ELCA church, please visit www.elca.org or www.seiasynod.org.
Bryce Hewlett, Synodically Authorized Minister
Madlyn Wulgaert, Secretary
Connie Jacob, Financial Secretary
Diana Worley, Treasurer
Bryce Hewlett, Presider
Steve Abel, Music Minister
Madlyn Wulgaert, Church Secretary
Diana Worley, Treasurer
Connie Jacob, Financial Secretary
St. James Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. The church grew along with Bettendorf, with the first worship service held on April 13, 1953. On March 7, 1954, the congregation was officially organized with 106 confirmed members.
The people of St. James worshipped at Lincoln School in Bettendorf until May of 1954, when services moved to the Bettendorf Civic Building. The first service at the current church building was September 7, 1958. An addition to the building's education wing was dedicated in 1989.
With a strong love for the Lord, St. James continues with its vision to serve the Lord and its community. The people of St. James open their hearts, minds, and doors for those who wish to love and serve the Lord.