Come and “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Our choir is open to all, no experience required, just a love of singing. We currently sing about once a month during our Sunday service. Practices are scheduled as needed on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. We invite you to join us.
In addition to the choir, we encourage all ages at any level of accomplishment on any instrument to share their talents during our Sunday morning services. Need not be a member.
Choir is under the direction of Ellen Hogbin. She can be reached at
Women of St. James/WELCA
We are a community of women created in the image of God called to discipleship in Jesus Christ. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit; and we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, and support one another in our callings. We engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world.
Our Sarah Circle meets monthly for Bible study and fellowship using “Gather Magazine” as our guide. This occurs on the third Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We are also active in the Cluster activities with women from the other Lutheran churches in our area.
A quilting group meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month from noon to 4:00 pm. We make the quilts for Lutheran World Relief and for local charities. We occasionally engage the entire congregation in special projects, such as making health kits for Global Health Ministries, or collecting specific items for our food pantry.
Another ministry of the Women of St. James is to serve a lunch for the family and friends following the funeral service of a loved one. This provides a place for everyone to share memories and comfort one another.
Women of St. James also serve on the Altar Guild, the Church Council, various church committees, and as assisting ministers for Sunday worship.
For more information on WELCA at St. James you may contact Marilyn Pieart at or Shirley Richlen at
St. James G.A.N.G
It sounds ominous, but it stands for “Golden Agers Noontime Gathering.” We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month, usually in Fellowship Hall at 11:30. We bring our own lunch but dessert and beverages are provided. We sometimes have speakers or play games. Once in a while we enjoy a pizza party or go on a field trip.
Our gatherings are very informal and we welcome everyone to join us. When we meet, we learn who needs our prayers, rejoice with those who have good news and learn how we can serve one another.
For more information or to RSVP , contact Pat Larson
St. James Friendly Visitors
Our mission is to provide aid, comfort, communion, and love to our members who are hospitalized, homebound, or nursing home residents. We send cards to people each month, deliver meals, and call those who are unable to attend church.
We are also the Welcoming Committee and started a college care outreach, sending college students cards and care boxes. Each year, Friendly Visitors assembles and delivers 25 Christmas bags full of cookies, candy, lotion, socks, stockings, soap, and mints.
For more information, contact Janene Anderson at
The Fellowship Committee provides an opportunity for members, friends, families, and newcomers to socialize outside of worship services. It’s all about celebrating our lives in Christ together.
Live Nativity
Each year, on the 2nd Saturday of December, St James hosts Live Nativity to celebrate the birth of Christ. The public is invited to come at any time during this free outdoor event to witness the retelling of the Nativity story complete with actors, live animals, and carolers. We provide a free soup and dessert supper, and Christmas crafts for everyone inside our Fellowship Hall. Come and celebrate Live Nativity with us!
Men's Fishing Trip
Our aim is to bring together men who share a love of outdoor activities through hosting a winter ice fishing trip. By participating in this activity, men have the opportunity to bond over shared interests and share their experiences. We strive to create an environment that fosters fellowship. The four day trip is scheduled for late January, depending on the thickness of the ice in Northern Minnesota. Sunday and Wednesday are travel days with fishing Monday and Tuesday.
For more information, contact Ron Mekalson for